Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner Certifications

About Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner Certifications

Thanks to Francine Milford who has developed total Tuning Fork Therapy® eight levels of training and certifications, along with some additional add-on courses such as TFT Color Therapy, Animal Practitioner, and Chakra Energy Worker courses, etc.  Courses can be completed through Self Study learning. Each level comes with tuning forks, a printed manual, handouts and/or video (if any are included in the courses that you selected) and instruction sheet.

To become a Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner you will need to start with the Level One Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner Certification course and take the training with our certified Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner Instructor on-site, or with this Self Study learning. When you have successfully completed one of the levels of training currently available, you will be called a Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner to the highest level of training that you have completed. So that if you completed the Level One Certification, You will be called a Level One Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner. If you completed both the Level One AND Level Two certifications, you will be called a Level Two Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner.

Only those practitioners who successfully completed their courses through with our certified Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner Instructor or Self Study learning are permitted to use the term “Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner” after their name. As a registered and certified Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner, you will also be able to use Tuning Fork Therapy® logos.

Dr. Clare Sham, as the certified Master Instructor of Tuning Fork Therapy® of all levels and add-on programs, has been further developed more applications based on Francine’s Tuning Fork Therapy®, such as beauty & wellness, pain management, emotional release. Dr. Sham has offered on-site program for Level one, two, three, and zoom online program for Level one respectively. More new programs will be released soon to benefit more people worldwide.


Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 1 Practitioner Certification

Students will also be introduced into the science of sound and how to use tuning forks to create well being and balance in the body. Topics covered include chakras, toning, meditation, methods and techniques for using tuning forks and more...

An introduction to the world of Tuning Fork Therapy® and energy healing. Learn a variety of methods and techniques that will aid your own body's innate ability to heal itself. Discover the Chakra System and how to incorporate this knowledge into your current practice. Safe, fun and effective. You will learn how to use tuning forks for tuning in order to balance the left and right brain. A chapter on how and when to use two tuning forks together to create a synergy and to either stimulate or sedate specific conditions and chakras. Francine Milford create a chapter of protocols for a list of illnesses or issues that includes what tuning forks to use and which chakras are involved in the healing process.

Prerequisite: None

In Tuning Fork Therapy® Level One Certification students will receive:

*  an 8-piece Harmonic Student beginner set of tuning forks

*  a black round hockey puck

*  a Tuning Fork Therapy® Level One

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment

Course Available:

-        On-site

-        Zoom

-        Self Study

Language Available:

-        English

-        Chinese

-        Japanese

Harmonic Student beginner set


Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 2 Practitioner Certification

Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Two covers the use of tuning forks on reflex points of the body. The course  also covers the use of referral points and how to locate points on the hands and feet. It also covered body guidelines, elemental associations, and zone therapy, and how to use Tuning Forks in a session and protocols for common reflex ailments.

This course will offer massage and body work students an opportunity to learn how to use specific tuning forks as a massage tool in their massage sessions to help in reducing pain, stress, tension, increase circulation, and to release knotted muscles.

Students in this class will learn the following: Kinesiology, Muscle Testing Techniques, Introduction to Reflexology, Referral points of the body, Learn the Body Relation Guide Lines to locate points, Using Tuning Forks on the reflex points of the body, Reflex points on the hands and feet, Zone Therapy, Using tuning forks on the zones of the body, and how to work with the OM tuning fork

Prerequisite: Must completed Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 1 Practitioner Certification Program

Student will receive the following:

*  OM weighted Tuning Fork

*  Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Two book

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment

Course Available:

-                 On-site

-                 Zoom

-                 Self Study

Language Available:

-                 English

OM weighted Tuning Fork


Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 3 Practitioner Certification

Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Three shows practitioners how to use tuning forks on various points of the body to help with healing a variety of ailments such as pain, stress and stomach problems. Manual includes the Five Element meditations, Points for Accessing your Energy Body and how to use the Angelic tuning fork set in your practice.In this level of training you will use the three piece Angel fork set, the student Harmonic tuning fork set and the OM tuning fork.

Prerequisite: Must completed Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 2 Practitioner Certification Program

Student will receive the following:

*  Angelic Tuning Fork Set

*  Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Three book

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment

Course Available:

-                 On-site

-                 Zoom

-                 Self Study

Language Available:

-                 English

Angelic Tuning Fork Set


Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 4 Practitioner Certification

In Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Four, you will learn how to use specific tuning forks on the 12 meridians of the body. You will be introduced into the Meridian System of the body and discover how to use a variety of tuning fork frequencies in each meridian to either tone, or sedate, points for health and healing. You will be also introduced to the five elemental theory along with five meditations to enhance their own needs. How the flow of energy occurs in the body will covered and a simple, yet effective, technique to enhance that flow of energy will be discussed. You will also learn about the flow of energy with easy to follow directions and illustrations.

Prerequisite: Must completed Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 3 Practitioner Certification Program

Students in this course will receive the following items:

*  Genesis Tuning Fork

*  Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Four Book

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment


Course Available:

-                 On-site

-                 Zoom

-                 Self Study

Language Available:

-                 English


Genesis Tuning Fork


Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 5 Practitioner Certification

Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Five deals with using specific tuning forks in various layers of the aura to elicit specific responses in the body. It also included how tuning forks on specific points of the face for a tuning fork acupressure massage. New techniques such as the 'twist' and 'vertical technique will be demonstrated and covered in the level on instruction. This course will cover the Otto tuning fork set and and how you can use it in some very unusual and effective ways on the skin. These techniques are great for people who are suffering from varicose veins, circulation problems in their limbs, lymph stagnation, and more.

Prerequisite: Must completed Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 4 Practitioner Certification Program

Students in this course will receive the following items:

*  Otto 128 Tuning Fork

*  Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Five Book

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment


Course Available:

-                 On-site

-                 Zoom

-                 Self Study

Language Available:

-                 English

Otto 128 Tuning Fork


Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 6 Practitioner Certification

In Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Six, students will discover the points of the ears that correspond to the organs, and organ systems, of the body. Included will be how to use the 111 Hz tuning fork on points of the ears to help the body's innate ability to heal. Included will be such points for drug addiction, drug detoxification, headache, vertigo indigestion, PMS, TMJ, allergy, toothaches and more.

Topics included What is Auricular Therapy, Anatomical Regions of the Outer Ear, Master Control Points, Common Auricular Points, Reference for Common Diseases, Tonification and Sedation, Chinese Five Element Points, Zero Point,Tuning Fork and their Association, Points on the Spine, and Protocols for the Spinal Column

Prerequisite: Must completed Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 5 Practitioner Certification Program


Students in this course will receive the following items:

*  111 Tuning Fork

*  Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Six Book

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment


Course Available:

-                 On-site

-                 Zoom

-                 Self Study

Language Available:

-                 English

111 Hz Tuning Fork


Tuning Fork Therapy® Level7 Practitioner Certification

In Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Seven, candidates will learn about the teeth and the meridians associated with them. This course is only an introduction into the anatomy of the tooth and the teeth in general and their association to the meridian system of the body. It looks at how the teeth can be affected by the organs and organ systems of the body. Knowledge of the teeth meridians can also help as an additional assessment tool to problems affecting in the body.

This level of training will also include the use of the 64Hz and 32Hz Otto tuning forks. Practitioners will learn how to use the Otto forks on the meridian system of the teeth to elicit the body's natural healing response. Learn some popular folklore on teeth as well as what specific teeth mean for physical and emotional issues.

Prerequisite: Must completed Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 6 Practitioner Certification Program

Students in this course will receive the following items:

*  Otto 64 Tuning Fork

*  Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Seven Book

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment


Course Available:

-                 On-site

-                 Zoom

-                 Self Study

Language Available:

-                 English

Otto 64 Tuning Fork


Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 8 Practitioner Certification

The Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Eight deals with bone growth, bone repair and bone pain/ailments. manual instructs students on how to use specially designed tuning forks in the healing session. These tuning forks were created to help improve bone conditions including relieving pain in joints, stopping bone loss and to encourage bone growth. Working alongside the bones on the spine will help a variety of conditions as each vertebrae is connected to specific conditions in the body. These conditions include headaches, digestive issues, arthritic problems, and more.

Prerequisite: Must completed Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 7 Practitioner Certification Program

Students in this course will receive the following items:

*  Otto 32 Tuning Fork

*  Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Seven Book

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment


Course Available:

-                 On-site

-                 Zoom

-                 Self Study

Language Available:

-                 English


Otto 32 Tuning Fork



Animal Certificate

Tuning Fork Therapy® Animal Practitioner Certification (Self study)


Help your pet to enjoy vital health and healing by using Tuning Fork Therapy® methods and techniques on the major chakras of your pet's body.

Tuning Fork Therapy® using tuning forks on your dog's acupuncture points offers pet owners an opportunity to aid in their pet's overall health and well being. Simple and easy to follow directions offering the placement of tuning forks instead of needles in an acupuncture treatment.

Prerequisite: Must completed Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 1&2 Practitioner Certification Program


Students in this course will receive the following items:

  • Tuning Fork Therapy® Animal Practitioner Certification Manual
  • Tuning Fork Therapy® Dog's Acupuncture Points book
  • Tuning Fork Therapy® Dog's Chakra book
  • Class handouts & assignments
  • a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment



Course Available:

-                 On-site

-                 Zoom

-                 Self Study

Language Available:

-                 English



Other Certificates


Tuning Fork Therapy® Crystal Practitioner Certification

Tuning Fork Therapy® Crystal Practitioner Program equips participants in how to incorporate crystals and gemstones with tuning forks in a healing session

Students in this course will receive the following items:

*  4096 Tuning Fork

*  Tuning Fork Therapy® using Crystals with Tuning Forks

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment

Course Available:

-                 Self Study ($129)

Language Available:

-                 English





Tuning Fork Therapy® Color Therapy Certification

Tuning Fork Therapy® Color Therapy Certification Program combine the wonderful healing properties of color to the sounds and vibrations of tuning forks in this healing modality. Easy to follow directions shows you how to choose your colored cloths and to select your tuning forks, with your client goals in mind. Safe, fun and effective. Can be used on children and pets.

This program will show you how to use color therapy on clients to help elicit the body's natural response to healing. It will also show you how to smooth out overactive chakras with color and how to activate and enhance underactive chakras with the use of color.

Color Therapy is the use of color to affect the body and its energy system in a way as to bring it back into balance. We all know how color can affect us. Have you ever walked into a room and either hated, loved or were drawn into the room due to the color on the wall? Studies on the effect of the use of colors on the wall have been down in prisons and hospitals. While it was found that shades of red made prisoners more agitated and aggressive, colors such as blue were found to be more calming and peaceful

Prerequisite: Must completed Tuning Fork Therapy® Level 1 Practitioner Certification Program

Students in this course will receive the following items:

*  Tuning Fork Therapy® Color Therapy using Tuning Forks

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment

Course Available:

-                 Self Study $60

Language Available:

-                 English


A fun chart of what color to wear and why, shared by Francine Milford on Facebook 


Tuning Fork Therapy® Chakra Certification

Tuning Fork Therapy® Chakra Certification Program

Each of the Chakra forks correspond to one of the major chakras in the body. In the Level one Harmonic 8 pieces set, C-512 the Soul Purpose tuning forks corresponds to the Soul Star chakra which is located 8-12" inches above the Crown Chakra. This is your link to the Divine. It is also referred to as the Interpersonal Point. This program shows you how to use tuning forks to open, balance and connect the Chakra energy of the body.

Students in this course will receive the following items:

*  Chakra Tuning Fork Manual

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment

Course Available:

-                 Self Study ($99)

Language Available:

-                 English



Tuning Fork Therapy® Fibromyalgia Certification


Tuning Fork Therapy® Fibromyalgia Certification Program brings pain relief and healing to those who suffer from this debilitating condition. The most recent studies are concluding about this condition and how this knowledge can be of benefit to sufferers. Current and future trends in the study of fibromyalgia is included. This program will guide you on how to use your tuning forks on a variety of sensitive points on the body to bring about relief. All diagrams and directions are written in an easy to read, understand and follow format.


Students in this course will receive the following items:

*  Chakra Tuning Fork Manual

*  Class handouts & assignments

*  a certificate after completed the course and passed on the assignment

Course Available:

-                 Self Study ($99)

Language Available:

-                 English